1. Nugroho, D. B., Wibowo, H., & Saragih, A.
(forthcoming). Modeling Daily Return Volatility Through GJR(1,1) model and
Realized Volatility Measure. Thailand Statistician, Vol. ..., No. ..., pp. ..., e-ISSN: 2351-0676, DOI:
.... Scopus Q3 SJR 0.24
2. Nugroho, D. B., Dimitrio, O. C., & Tita, F. (forthcoming).
GARCH-X(1,1) dengan Variabel Eksogen Ditransformasi Pangkat. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, Vol. ..., No. ..., pp. ..., e-ISSN: 2548-8570, DOI: .... Terakreditasi
Nasional Peringkat 2.
In the Year 2023:
Nugroho, D. B.,
Wicaksono, B. A. A., & Larwuy, L. (2022). GARCH-X(1,1) Model Allowing A
Non-linear Function of the Variance to Follow An AR(1) Process. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. ..., e-ISSN: 2383-4757, DOI: .... Indexed: Scopus Q3 SJR 0.27
In the Year 2022:
Nugroho, D. B., Panjaitan, L.
P., Kurniawati, D., Kholil, Z., Susanto, B., Sasongko, L. R. (2022). GRG Non-linear and ARWM
Method for Estimating the GARCH-M, GJR, and log-GARCH Models. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi
Matematika, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 448–460,e-ISSN: 2614-1175, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31764/jtam.v6i2.7694. Terakreditasi Peringkat 2.
In the Year 2021:
1. Nugroho, D. B., Mahatma, T., & Pratomo, Y. (2021) Applying the
Non-linear Transformation Families to the Lagged-variance of EGARCH and GJR
Models. IAENG International Journal of Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 51, No. 4, p.
12. Publisher: International Association Engineers. eISSN: 1992-9986. Indexed: Scopus Q3 SJR 0.26
2. Nugroho, D. B., Priyono, A., & Susanto, B.
(2021). Skew Normal and
Skew Student-t Distributions on GARCH(1,1) Model. Media Statistika, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp.
21-32. e-ISSN: 2477-0647. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14710/medstat.14.1.21-32.
Terakreditasi Peringkat 2.
3. Nugroho, D. B., Mahatma, T., & Pratomo, Y.
(2021) GARCH models under power transformed returns: Empirical evidence
from international stock indices. Austrian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 1-18.
Publisher: Austrian Statistical Society. DOI: .
ISSN: 1026-597X. Indexed: Scopus Q2 SJR 0.59
(2019), Wos ESCI. IF (via Publish
or Perish): 0.775.
In the Year 2020:
Nugroho, D. B., Pamungkas, B. A., & Parhusip, H. A. (December
2020). Volatility Fitting
Performance of QGARCH (1,1) model with Student-t, GED,
and SGED Distributions. Comtech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 97–104, e-ISSN:
2476-907X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21512/comtech.v11i2.6391. Terakreditasi Peringkat 2.
2. Nugroho, D. B., PAnggraeni, K.,
& Parhusip, H. A. (December 2020). Model Regresi
untuk Return Aset dengan Volatilitas Mengikuti Model GARCH(1,1) Berdistribusi
Epsilon-Skew Normal dan Student-t. Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its
Applications, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 181–199. E-ISSN: 2579-8936. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/limits.v17i2.6730. Terakreditasi Peringkat 2.
3. Nugroho, D. B., Kusumawati, A.
M., & Sasongko, L. R. (August 2020). Volatilitas Kurs dan Saham
Mengikuti Model EGARCH(1,1) Berdistribusi
Versi Skew Normal dan Student-t. Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan, Vol. 13,
No. 2, pp. 259–272. E-ISSN: 2303-0186. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24843/JEKT.2020.v13.i02.p04. Terakreditasi Peringkat 2.
Setiawan, A., Setiaji, F. D., Nugroho, D. B., Riyanto, C. A., & Wibowo, N. A. (April 9, 2020) Subsurface detection of opaque and solid material
defect based on photoacoustic effect. Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 15, No.4, p P04010. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/04/p04010. eISSN: 1748-0221. Publisher: IOP
Publishing. Indexed: Scopus Q1 SJR 0.81 (2019), WoS SCIE. IF 2019: 1.454
In the Year 2019:
Nugroho, D. B. (November 29, 2019). GARCH(1,1) Model with the Yeo–Johnson transformed returns, Journal
of Physics: Conference Series, The 2nd International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and
Mathematics Education (ISIMMED 2018), Yogyakarta,
Indonesia, 20–24 November 2018, Vol. 1320, No. 1, p 012013; [DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1320/1/012013]; ISBN: 17426588, 17426596; Publisher: IOP
Publishing. (Scopus Q3
SJR 0.22 (2018)) (Certificate)
2. Nugroho, D. B., & Morimoto, T. (2019). Incorporating Realized Quarticity into a Realized
Stochastic Volatility Model. Asia-Pacific
Financial Markets, Vol.
26, No. 4, pp 495–528. [DOI: 10.1007/s10690-019-09276-2];
pISSN: 1387-2834; eISSN: 1573-6946; Publisher: Springer. (Scopus Q4
2018, SJR: 0.13)
3. Nugroho, D. B., Kurniawati, D., Panjaitan, L. P., Kholil,
Z., Susanto, B., & Sasongko, L. R. (September 3, 2019). Empirical performance
of GARCH, GARCH-M, GJR-GARCH and log-GARCH models for returns volatility, Journal
of Physics: Conference Series, The 3rd International Conference on Science and Science
Education (IConSSE), Salatiga,
Indonesia, 20th June 2019, Vol. 1307, No. 1, pp 012003; [DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1307/1/012003]; ISBN: 17426588, 17426596; Publisher: IOP
Publishing. (Scopus Q3
SJR 0.22 (2018)) (Certificate)
4. Nugroho, D. B., Susanto, B., Prasetia, K. N. P., &
Rorimpandey, R. (May 2019). Modeling of returns
volatility using GARCH(1,1) model under Tukey transformations, Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp 12–20; [DOI: https://doi.org/10.9744/jak.20.1.12-20]; ISBN: 1411-0288, e-ISSN:2338-8137;
Publisher: The Institute of Research & Community Outreach - Petra Christian
University, Indonesia. (Sinta 2 (Nationally Accredited "B"))
5. Wibowo,
N. A., Nugroho, D. B.,
& Riyanto, C. A. (March 2019). Performance of Magnetic Switching at the Recording
Temperature in Perpendicularly Magnetized Nanodots. Journal of Magnetics, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp 17–23; [DOI:
10.4283/JMAG.2019.24.1.017]; Print ISSN: 1226-1750; Online ISSN: 2233-6656;
Publisher: The Korean Magnetics Society. (Scopus Q3, SJR: 0.27)
In the Year 2018:
1. Nugroho, D. B.,
Susanto, B., & Rosely, M. M. M. (October 2018). Penggunaan MS Excel
untuk Estimasi Model GARCH(1,1), Jurnal Matematika Integratif, Vol.
14, No. 2, pp 71–81; [DOI: 10.24198/jmi.v14.n2.17680.%p];
ISBN: p-ISSN:1412-6184 | e-ISSN:2549-9033; Publisher: Department
of Matematics, FMIPA, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. (Sinta 4)
2. Nugroho, D. B. (September
2018). Comparative analysis
of three MCMC methods for estimating GARCH models, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater.
Sci. Eng., The 1th International Conference on Engineering and Applied
Technology (ICEAT), Mataram,
Indonesia, 29th–30th November 2017, Vol. 403, No. 1, p 012061; [DOI:
10.1088/1757-899X/403/1/012061]; ISBN: -; Publisher: IOP Publishing. (Certificate)
3. Nugroho, D. B.,
Mahatma, T., & Pratomo, Y. (May-August 2018). Modeling of
stochastic volatility to validate IDR anchor currency, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Vol.
20, No. 2, pp 165–185; [DOI: 10.22146/gamaijb.26006]; Print ISSN:
1411-1128; Online ISSN: 2338-7238; Publisher: Master in Management Program,
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (Scopus Q3 SJR
0.22 (2018); Sinta 1 (Nationally Accredited "A")
In the Year 2017:
1. Nugroho, D. B.,
& Susanto, B. (August 2017). Volatility modeling
for IDR exchange rate through APARCH model with Student-t distribution, AIP Conf. Proc., The 4th
International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of
Mathematics and Science (ICRIEMS), Yogyakarta,
Indonesia, 2017, Vol. 1868, No. 1, pp 040005-1–8; [DOI: 10.1063/1.4995120]; ISBN:
978-0-7354-1548-5; Publisher: AIP Publishing. (Certificate)
2. Nugroho, D. B.,
Mahatma, T., & Pratomo, Y. (March 2017). Volatility modelling
using Box–Cox stochastic volatility model: Evidence from Bank Indonesia
(2010–2015), Proceedings 2nd ISI
Regional Statistics Conference (Session IPS21). (Certificate)
3. Nugroho, D. B.,
Susanto, B., & Pratama, S. R. (March 2017). Estimation of
exchange rate volatility using APARCH-type models: A case study of Indonesia
(2010–2015), Journal
of Economics and Development Studies, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp 65–75;
Print ISSN: 2086-1575; Online ISSN: 2505-7115; Publisher: Jurusan Ekonomi
Pembangunan, FE UNM. (Sinta 3)
4. Dwijayanti,
R., Setiawan, A., & Nugroho,
D. B. (February 2017). Peramalan dengan
model VARI pada data IHK kelompok padi-padian dan bumbu-bumbuan (Studi Kasus
Kota Salatiga, Bulan Januari 2014–Juli 2016), Prosiding Seminar
Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, pp
924–939; ISBN: 978-602-61222-0-9; Publisher: Prodi Magister Pendidikan
Matematika, Universitas Sebelas Maret.
In the Year 2016:
1. Nugroho D. B., &
Morimoto, T. (August 2016). Box–Cox realized
asymmetric stochastic volatility models with generalized Student's t-error
distributions, Journal
of Applied Statistics, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp 1906–1927; [DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2015.1125862]; Print
ISSN: 0266-4763; Online ISSN: 360-0532; Publisher: Taylor &
Francis. (IF: 0.664 (2016); Scopus Q3)
2. Salim, F.
C., Nugroho, D. B.,
& Susanto, B. (April 2016). Model volatilitas
GARCH(1,1) dengan error Student-t untuk kurs beli EUR dan JPY
terhadap IDR, Jurnal
MIPA, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp 78–84; Print ISSN: 0215-9945; Publisher:
FMIPA Unnes.
3. Saputri,
E. D., Nugroho, D. B.,
& Setiawan, A. (April 2016). Model volatilitas
ARCH(1) dengan return
error berdistribusi skewed Student-t, Jurnal MIPA, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp
78–84; Print ISSN: 0215-9945; Publisher: FMIPA Unnes.
4. Wardani,
D. S., Setiawan, A., & Nugroho,
D. B. (March 2016). Peramalan dengan
model SVAR pada data inflasi Indonesia dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap
dolar Amerika dengan menggunakan metode Bootstrap, Jurnal de Cartesian, Vol. 5, No. 1,
pp 28–34; Print ISSN: 2302-4224; Publisher: FMIPA Universitas Sam
In the Year 2015:
1. Saputri,
E. D., Nugroho, D. B.,
& Setiawan, A. (November 2015). Model Volatilitas
ARCH(1) dengan Returns Error Berdistribusi non-central Student-t, Studi Kasus:
Kurs Beli JPY dan EUR terhadap IDR, Prosiding Seminar
Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNY 2015, pp
233–240; ISBN: 978-602-73403-0-5. (Certificate)
2. Salim, F.
C., Nugroho, D. B.,
& Susanto, B. (November 2015). Estimasi MCMC untuk
untuk model GARCH(1,1) (Studi Kasus: Kurs beli JPY dan EUR terhadap IDR), Prosiding Seminar
Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNY 2015, pp
443–448; ISBN: 978-602-73403-0-5.
3. Nugroho D. B., & Sroyer,
A. (October 2015). Estimasi Variansi
Return di Pasar Valuta Asing Indonesia Menggunakan Model AR(1)-ARCH(1). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika
dan Sistem Informasi Universitas Cenderawasih 2015, pp
65–69. (Certificate)
Nugroho D. B., &
Morimoto, T. (June 2015). Estimation of
realized stochastic volatility models using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo-based
methods, Computational
Statistics, Vol. 30 (No. 2), pp 491–516; [DOI: 10.1007/s00180-014-0546-6]; Print
ISSN: 0943-4062; Online ISSN: 1613-9658; Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
(IF: 0.828; Scopus Q2) (As one of the
recipient of article incentives in the international journal of 2017 given by
Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education)
In the Year 2014:
D. B., & Morimoto, T. (2014). Realized
non-linear stochastic volatility models with asymmetric effects and generalized
Student’s t-distributions, Journal of The Japan Statistical Society,
Vol. 44 (No. 1), pp 83–118; [DOI: 10.14490/jjss.44.83];
Print ISSN: 1882-2754; Online ISSN: 1348-6365; Publisher: The Japan Statistical