Berikut adalah e-journal yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Sains dan Matematika UKSW:

Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nuclear Applications

p-issn : 2549-046X; e-issn : 2550-0570

Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nucelar Applications (IJPNA) is a fully peer review and an open-access online journal for academics and researchers published by Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana in collaboration with Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN). IJPNA is a periodical publication (three times a year, in February, June and October) with the primary objective to disseminate scientific articles that focus on application of physics, nuclear physics and also interdisciplinary topics that use physics or nuclear physics, in the area of health, food, agriculture, environment, energy, etc.  IJPNA is indexed by SINTA (Grade 4)google scholarIndonesian Publication Index and several others including CrossrefOneSearchPKP Index and WorldCat.

Jurnal Sains dan Edukasi Sains

The Jurnal Sains dan Edukasi Sains (JuSES) is open access and peer-reviewed journal publishing in Indonesian. It aims to publish academic articles such as original articles and review articles of conceptualexperimentaltheoretical, and applied in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences from the following subject areas Biology, Biology Education, Chemistry, Chemistry Education, Physics, Physics Education, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and Natural Sciences Education. The JuSES published online twice a year in February and August.

Journal of Science & Science Education

The Journal of Science & Science Education (JoSSE) is free access and peer-reviewed journal publishing in English. It aims to publish academic articles of conceptual, experimental, philosophical, theoretical and applied results and reviews in the field of mathematics and Natural Sciences from the following subject areas: Biology, Biology Education, Chemistry, Chemistry Education, Physics, Physics Education, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Statistics, Computer Science. Submitted articles must must be correct, original, nontrivial, and well written. This journal is published twice a year in May and November besides special editions.